Environmentally friendly packaging

A huge part of our ethos is our commitment and obsession to using sustainable & renewable resources forevery piece of packaging we use.We’re on a mission to become the most environmentally responsible hair extension brand in the world.

That's why we're introducing our new 100% home compostable plastic free hair extension packaging. Made with cellulose and waste corn starch, we're ensuring that everything gets reused. To keep our promise, you won't find single-use plastic in your order and all orders are packed with fully biodegradable or recyclable materials including eco-jute ties and FSC-certified 100% recycled tags. All we ask, is that you do your bit by recycling these items & the delivery box to help us on our mission!

Rebuilding forests and communities

We’ve partnered up with Ecologi so we can give back to the planet by planting trees in places that need them most and offsetting carbon emissions with community led projects providing sustainable cookstoves and solar/wind farms around the world. By ordering with us, you are giving back to the rainforests and communities around the world – with every order placed, we plant one tree. Not only do Ecologi promote and contribute towards a sustainable ecosystem, they also provide communities the knowledge and tools they need to sustain the forests in the future.

Recycling old hair for oil spills

Don’t let your hair go to landfill when it could be put to good use! Think of your hair and how much goodness and oil it absorbs. Our hair recycling scheme in partnership with MatterOfTrust puts these natural effects to good use, turning old hair extensions into hair mats to help mop up oil spills. You'll get a 10% discount on your next order of hair extensions so you can give back & save.

Simply post any brand of used hair extensions to us with your name & email address to:
Unit 6, Ravens Court, Harrier Way, Peterborough, PE7 3WL

Ethically & sustainably sourcing hair

The hair extension industry is largely unregulated around the world, and is open to unethical suppliers exploiting the market in order to drive down cost and make higher margins. Here's what we do to stop this:

Zero Tolerance Policy: We have a zero tolerance policy on exploitation, promoting the best human rights to all hair donors and requiring fair compensation and respect for all involved. We accept there may be shortages in the industry and promote buying only what we need to prevent unnecessary stress on the market/donors.

Inspections/Audits/Business Integrity: We expect all of our sourcing partners and manufacturers to hold the same ethical standards as us when sourcing hair on our behalf and regularly inspect and audit our suppliers around the world. 

Health & Safety/Workers Rights: We regularly check in on our suppliers to ensure they're promoting safe and fair working, paying workers a fair wage and providing a safe environment that is free from forced or child labour.